The Ten of Swords appears to be a card of terrible misfortune, but surprisingly, it often represents troubles that are more melodramatic than real. The man on this card has quite a few swords in his back. However, the more you resist, the more this situation will continue to drag on, so it’s time to rip off the bandage (however painful that might be) and get this over with so you can start fresh. For example, a relationship may come to an abrupt end, your job may be cut, or a contract is broken. Love this deck?Buy theEveryday Tarot Deck, UPRIGHT: Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis, REVERSED: Recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end. Is it going to be easy? A friendship withers and dies, or maybe a business partnership splits. Card 2 - Sun The Sun card offers an feeling of optimism and fulfillment. The Suit of Swords is associated with the element of Air. Privacy and Terms. Rather than dwelling on your painful past, it is essential to look ahead and realise how these events free you up to reshape your life and choose a new direction for yourself. The Ten of Swords marks a painful yet inevitable ending. Be extremely cautious in your financial dealings at this time and don’t take unnecessary risks as this is not a time to gamble. Your partner may have cheated on you, a colleague may spread nasty rumours about you, or a family member has betrayed your trust. The suit represents the Second Estate (The Nobles). There’s SO many swords that it almost makes you roll your eyes. The closure of an … Ten of Swords Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Get a Tarot Reading. Sometimes things just really are the worst – immense grief or pain takes over our lives. If you are in business, this Minor Arcana card reversed can either represent a business coming back to life or a collapsing completely. It is a Minor Arcana reversed card of pulling yourself together and learning from past hardships. The destructive power of negative thinking which disrupts the harmony and balance of the heart. Or check out the rest of the Minor Arcana or Major Arcana in The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online! While the dark sky is ominous, the sun is rising on the horizon, bringing a renewed sense of hope and opportunity. The Ten of Swords is a culmination of all of the negative aspects of the Suit of Swords. The Ten of Swords shows a man lying face down, apparently dead, with ten swords in his back. General: You may have recently come through a very difficult time when the reversed 10 of Swords appears, and indeed, the worst may be over. Specifically, an idea or a thought (Ace of Swords) is coming into being (Empress). It is used in Latin suited playing cards, such Spanish, Italian and tarot decks. Upright Ten of Swords Meaning. It signifies betrayal and crisis, realization and consequence. Raise your shadows into the light and they will no longer haunt you. Full card's description. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. It is a Minor Arcana card of failure, ruin, collapse, severing ties, goodbyes and the final nail in the coffin of a relationship or situation. The Ten of Swords indicates the result of all forces – both positive and negative, and tells of an old cycle coming to completion and a new cycle about to begin. But now things are about to change. Can mean the loss of possessions and financial ruin. The Ten of Swords tarot is the card that symbolizes loss, defeats and, endings, which is likewise similar to the Five of Cups. The Ten of Swords, like the Death (XIII), symbolizes the end and the departure, the great layoffs. This Minor Arcana card is telling you that you need to accept it. The mass of swords symbolizes the unified power … You recognise that there must be a change to facilitate renewal, and you allow it to occur rather than fighting it. It can signify nervous breakdowns, chronic fatigue, exhaustion and being unable to cope. Card 2 - Sun The Sun card offers an feeling of optimism and fulfillment. Full card's description. Ten, Swords, okay, whatever, but have a look at the imagery. Meaning and symbolism; In popular culture Running with the recent trend of the suit of swords; the Ten of Swords is not overly positive. He has been stabbed in the back with ten swords, and he lays there bleeding. The Ten of Swords in a relationship reading may apply to non-romantic alliances. But, will this ordeal last forever? Keywords. With Lee Pace, Scoot McNairy, Mackenzie Davis, Kerry Bishé. You are releasing the memories of the past and allowing yourself the opportunity to move forward with a sense of renewal and hope for the future. No. Initially, a terrible thing to expect, there will likely be a period of catharsis and then recovery. Backstabbing, betrayal, enemies, bitching, badmouthing, bitterness, doormat, ... General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright) Love & Relationships (Upright) Money & Career (Upright) Health (Upright) No. Ace of Cups > Ten of Swords: over almost before it’s had time to begin. The Ten of Swords. Diana The Ten of Swords sweeps away the old and familiar and replaces it with change and new beginnings. Whatever the case may be, you are … The hour is darkest before dawn, and you must experience the full impact of what has happened before you can move forward and start over. The Ten of Swords is here to tell you that the end is coming and it is now the time to accept it. Ten of Swords: -- a young girl must find her killer before he finds her (Wonderland Mystery Series Book 2) The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition. 5 of swords + Ace of swords: Getting revenge. You have come up with … Even if you have been harmed or betrayed, you now have a choice to pick yourself up and move forward with your life, rather than falling down in a heap hoping someone will take pity on you. If this is the case, it could be the final nail in the relationship’s coffin if you do not stop that behaviour. The Ten of Swords is one of the least popular cards in the tarot pack, but it really isn’t that bad. That’s a blessing. Ten (X) of Swords Ten (X) of Swords – Hitting Rock Bottom Finale, The Darkest Hour is Just Before Dawn. Ten of Swords Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: Ten of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: with The Tarot Guide? The Ten of Swords, Minor Arcana is a card of endings, good or bad. The Ten of Swords tarot is depicted as a man lying face down on the ground. In a financial Tarot spread, the Ten of Swords reversed can indicate either being saved from financial ruin and failure or total financial ruins such as bankruptcy, the supporting cards should indicate which applies. V. 10 of Swords Thoth card in the upright and reverse 1. Other times, though, there is a light at the end, and a positive, can-do kind of attitude is needed to get past this bump in the road. The number 10 is the energy of completion. Similarly, the Ten of Swords reversed may represent an old situation that ended badly. In a psychic reading would be translated to karma, end of cycles, the end of the journey, lesson learned, taking responsibility, consequences, transformation, rewards, completeness. The Suit of Swords is one of the four suits of the Minor Arcana in a 78-card tarot deck. Upright Ten of Swords Card Meaning When the Ten of Swords is upright … You have a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. There’s no getting away from it – this is a tough card to see. In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Ten of Swords is not a great omen as it indicates breakups, divorce, separation, bitterness or severing ties. Introduction: Like many of the Swords suit, the 10 of Swords does carry an unpleasant connotation, but it is also not necessarily the end of the world. Either way, the other tarot cards in the drawing will make up for the way … 5 of swords + Ten of pentacles: Unhappy family. You may have gained a lot of wisdom and empathy for others from these experiences. If you reframe your situation to emphasize the chance to start fresh, things won't seem so bad. The X of Swords … The Queen of Swords sits on a stone throne decorated with a cherub, representing the Queen’s softer side, and butterflies representing transformation. You may be hitting a wall and you need to take care of yourself as you will be no good to anyone if you burn out. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Then in the foreground we see a man lying face down. The Ten of Swords can also indicate someone playing the victim or martyr, being overly dramatic, attention seeking or exaggerating. It looks like it’s probably sunset at a guess. Either you are just going through a cycle of having to survive through desolation or you have actively chosen to refrain from following the advice of those who know you in your life or even the advice presented in the cards or through higher source energy. The Ten of Swords concludes the series of negatively charged cards found in the numbered minor arcana from the suit of swords. Ten of Swords Meaning. "Ten of Swords… Chronic fatigue, exhaustion, collapse and even nervous breakdowns are all represented by this card. Lastly, it can symbolize the decision to end a relationship. Tarot Love Meaning - Upright 10 of Swords. Either you are just going through a cycle of having to survive through desolation or you have actively chosen to refrain from following the advice of those who know you in your life or even the advice presented in the cards or through higher source energy. Ten of Swords in the Past. It is time to stop fighting, says this card. In that way, the Ten of Swords is about letting go and accepting your current circumstances. 10 comics featuring the first appearances of key characters in the X OF SWORDS crossover — all for only $1! Swords are not only weapons, but symbols of great power, used over the centuries as offerings, in ceremonies, for coronations, and as precious items for trade. This might be the most depressing image in the series, with the corpse of a young man lying on the ground, stabbed through and through by ten swords still planted in his back. The Page of Swords often emerges when you are exploring a new way of thinking – a new idea, a new perspective, new knowledge, or a new technique. Finally, the Ten of Swords reversed can appear as a welcome sign that the pain and sadness you have been feeling is ending. As with the earlier Swords Court cards, … The Ten of Swords (upright or reversed) asks you to accept truth, so that you can finally be released from feeling metaphorically chased. The reversed Ten of Swords encourages you to re-evaluate your circumstances and let go of any aspect of your life that is no longer serving you. One meaning of the Ten of Swords … He is covered in a red cape from the lower half of his body. Backstabbing, betrayal, enemies, bitching, badmouthing, bitterness, doormat, failure, ruin, collapse/breakdown, exhaustion, inability to cope, curses, rock bottom, hitting a wall, dead end, severing ties, goodbyes, nail in the coffin, exaggeration, overly dramatic, martyr, attention seeker, playing victim, attack, violence. When the Ten of Swords is upright in a Tarot reading, it might mean you've hit rock bottom. Each partner has played a role in creating and fostering these struggles. 10 of pentacles + Three of swords: Family pain. You could have never expected it, but now it has happened, cutting to the core and leaving you feeling as if the world has crumbled in around you. Things have reached the final point and the time has come for the cycle to start again. Or can't find what you’re looking for? Ten of Swords is the tarot card for endings and loss, backstabbing, and lack of support. X of Swords True Believers. You feel as if you have been stabbed in the back and are reeling from someone else’s actions. > Eight of Cups: time to move on and call it a day. [1] [2] Contents. Over the years, a number of swords have been unearthed, bringing with them centuries of legends and incredible tales, linking them to famous figures and folk heroes. Sometimes the Ten of Swords indicates … This card can mark an abrupt end to our current path, and a difficult resolution in the form of a broken relationship, a blocked idea or dream, a fractured partnership or a discontinued story. That may be true for some of you – not everyone has your back. In a career Tarot reading, the Ten of Swords is not a good omen, it can indicate that you have hit a dead end in your job or that your time in your current role may be ending and you may be severing ties. You need to take some time out to heal and to rediscover who you are and what actually makes you happy independently of a relationship. The water in the background behind him remains calm and untouched, and the sky above him is black and ominous. Swords are often double-edged and in this way the Suit of Swords symbolises the fine balance between intellect and power and how these two elements can be used for good or evil. The sky is pitch … Air is intangible and unseen, … Okay, there’s a man bleeding on the ground, and ten swords are stuck in his back. 10 of pentacles + Ten of swords… 10 of pentacles + Five of swords: Stealing from family. See all the covers in the gallery below! The Ten of Swords seems to intimate that this is the lowest factor in one's existence, and it can not get worse than this. In a financial Tarot spread, the Ten of Swords is not a good omen as it can indicate financial ruin and failure. His death seems morbid and unexpected. He turns to an unexpected source for guidance about what to do in light of Comet and in light of what happened between him and Cameron. Pick yourself up off the ground and reflect upon what happened to you and why, and what you can learn from the experience. One layer of meaning refers to the pride of supporting your own lineage of well-loved souls. There is a possibility that all you have worried so intensely about has now come to be. Maybe you are at a breaking point and planning drastic changes. Directed by Karyn Kusama. The Wild Unknown gives “melodrama” as one of the keywords, and this seems appropriate. Zimmerman Ten of Swords(10 LP Box Set)vinyl Bob Dylan (Artist) Format: Vinyl. 5 of swords + Ten of swords: Being stabbed in the back. 10 of swords + Nine of pentacles: Feeling like a prisoner. The Kabbalistic title of the Ten of Swords tarot card, Lord of Ruin, only tells half the story. On the other hand, it can indicate that you are refusing to accept the lessons, which is leaving you stuck in a negative spiral. In a general context, the Ten of Swords is not a good omen as it can represent backstabbing betrayal, badmouthing, bitching behind your back, bitterness and enemies. 2. MESSAGE FROM THE 10 OF SWORDS. Ten of Swords – “The Lord of Ruin”; Sun in Gemini; Page of Swords – “The Prince of the Rushing Winds”; Earth of Air; Knight of Swords – “Lord of the Winds and the Breezes”; Air of Air; Queen of Swords – “Queen of the Thrones of Air”; Water of Air; King of Swords – “King of the Spirits of Air”; Fire of Air ; The Suit of Wands. As a result, the Ten of Swords tends to predict a time of emotional pain; occasionally this may seem insurmountable, … If you are in an abusive relationship, the Ten of Swords reversed can suggest that you will escape the relationship, be aware that this card can indicate an extreme escalation in the abuse. In a spiritual context, the Ten of Swords reversed usually indicates that you come through past hardships and learned lessons from them that you will bring forward on your journey through life. Alternatively, it can indicate that a terrible work situation is pushing you over the edge. The Ten of Swords is a card of change fortunes and within those changes it asks that you show compassion to those less fortunate. In front of him lies a water body, probably a sea, and above is a pitch dark sky. 5 of swords + Queen of swords: Bitterness. The Ten of Swords can suggest that you are taking on the role of ‘victim’ hoping others will pity you and save you from despair. Urban Soul Tarot a … Fear of insanity. 10 of swords + Seven of pentacles: Losing interest in something that used to mean a lot to you. "Search" was written by Mark Lafferty and directed by Daisy von Scherler Mayer. The pain inflicted runs deep not because what they have done is hurtful, but because you know deep down that this marks the end of your relationship as you know it with them. The Ten of Swords is the tenth tarot card in the suit of Swords. The good news is that the Ten of Swords marks the final ordeal – no more pain will come to you from that source. The Ten of Swords in a love reading denotes divorce, separations, and breakups. You are grieving the pain of this shocking loss and wonder if you will ever love or find work or trust again. In a career Tarot reading, the Ten of Swords reversed can indicate that you gotten over the worst of the stress in your job or have severed ties with a job that was pushing you to the brink of a collapse. The Ten of Swords in Tarot stands for martyrdom, a victim mentality, and bottoming out. Ten of Swords Love Tarot Meaning For the majority of love readings, the Ten of Swords is a very negative outcome, especially if it appears in the future. Upright 10 of Swords Thoth card. This card could also be indicative of infidelity or dishonesty in your relationship as well. Tarot card images courtesy of the Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. It’s making the sign of benediction. You are still carrying around wounds from it but have buried them so deeply that you do not realise they are still present (and hurting you). The Ten of Swords is the Tarot card of completed struggles, and battles that have come to a conclusion in our lives. The Medieval Scapini Tarot talks of treachery. Like the other tarot suits, it contains fourteen cards: ace (one), two through ten, page, knight, queen and king. There’s no getting away from the severity and harshness of the 10 of Swords, and there’s no denying it’s effect. Some don’t. A change in your partnership is likely coming whether you like it or not. At least, even on this state, the sun is rising. 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